Bamboocha, auglýsingaherferð Fanta, var að miklu leyti algert flopp. Drekkum Fanta, verum Bamboocha kveikir ekki á neinni peru hjá mér eða nokkrum sem ég þekki, en þó fannst mér merking orðsins Bamboocha afar skemmtileg. Þar sem eyjaskeggjarnir í auglýsingunni töluðu afbjagaða og óskiljanlega ensku skal ég hér betra ensku þeirra.
Maður nálgast hawaiiíska eyju á einæringi, glaðhlakkalegur með bústið afró. Annar maður, líkur í útliti, þó feitari, heilsar honum hlæjandi:
[þar sem ég man ekki nöfn mannanna í auglýsingunni bý ég til ný.]
"Hail, Ulysses. I have hither come from the sundering seas to inquire of thee if thou, in thine magnificent generosity and noble spirit, wouldst join me to voyage upon yon ocean in mine humble flagship?
Well met and hail to thee also, brave Prometheus, my portly friend. Indeed, it is a day in which one wouldst enjoy frolicking upon the courts of Poseidon, and the Sun God smileth, and beeth at great joy, for he showest us his radiant face upon this third day of the month of the Aardvaark. Speak to me then, O Prometheus, whither hast thou bethought thineself to sail yon boat?
No place have I reckoned in this respect, Great Ulysses, nor a waterway through which to navigate thenceforth. Nay, I wish only to meander and mirthfully sing "Wheeeee". This musing beeth beknownst to me as Bamboocha.
Aye? I must tell thee, mighty Prometheus, that though I have sailed the sundering seas, defeated the enchantress Minax and eaten dragon brains, I have not in all of mine numerous exploits encountered this expression. I beg of thee, O wise Prometheus, bespeak unto me its meaning, that I might glean knowledge!
Indeed, fabulous Ulysses, I shall explain to that Bamboocha meaneth to eat life with a large spoon!"
Þetta er ansi gott mottó: éta lífið með stórri skeið. Akkúrat! Lifa lífinu lifandi.